Can I Breastfeed After Breast Aesthetics?
- Anasayfa
- Can I Breastfeed After Breast Aesthetics?
Can I Breastfeed After Breast Aesthetics?
Aesthetic breast surgery carries many risks in itself, as in many other surgical procedures. Many questions in women’s minds before surgery

Can I Still Breastfeed After Surgery?
What kind of breast surgery you have is important in answering this question. Young, middle-aged or older women with different complaints and expectations may apply for breast aesthetics. One of the biggest concerns of women in the 20-40 age range during breast surgery is; whether she can give milk after surgery. We have 3 different operations in breast aesthetics.
- breast augmentation surgery
- breast lift surgery
- breast reduction surgery
These procedures can be performed alone or in combination with each other to achieve the best results. Each of these procedures requires different techniques with different incisions. And while some of these techniques do not affect the mammary glands, we cannot say the same for others.
Can I Breastfeed After My Breast Surgery?
It is difficult to predict a woman’s ability to breastfeed after breast surgery. The chance of breastfeeding varies depending on genetic breast structure and which techniques are used during breast augmentation.
There is a mammary gland and duct system extending from the base of the breast to the nipple. While some incisions, implant placement or tissue removal do not come into contact with these milk ducts, some incisions and traumas may damage the connection between these ducts and the nipple.
If this connection is severely damaged during your surgery, milk production may be reduced or absent.
Factors that can affect your ability to breastfeed include:
Surgical Technique Selection
Most often, in breast augmentation, we insert implants through an incision made along the inframammary fold. This choice of incision does not disconnect and damage the milk ducts; therefore, it is very unlikely that you will experience any difficulties while breastfeeding later in life.
Alternatively, incisions made around the nipple (as in breast augmentation, breast lift surgery, and breast reduction) may damage the milk duct connection.
This risk increases as breast tissue is removed and reshaped during breast lift or especially breast reduction.
Having More Than One Surgery
It should come as no surprise that your risks related to surgery increase with each new procedure. A woman who has had breast augmentation surgery for the first time will have less risk for her ability to breastfeed than a woman who has had a secondary breast lift or breast augmentation surgery.
Complications During Healing
Complications during healing can create bad scar tissue or cause other complications that may require extra surgery. For example, capsular contracture is a complication that requires removal and replacement of the implant after breast augmentation surgery. This process can put your milk ducts at higher risk of damage.
Having breast surgery may not leave you completely unable to breastfeed, but milk production may decrease.
Can I Breastfeed After My Breast Surgery?
Some women consider breast surgery before having children. Some may seek a surgery because of the damage done by having children. Although not always possible, it is traditionally recommended to delay breast surgery until you have children.
Young women often want to have breast augmentation and breast reduction aesthetics. While planning these, you should definitely think about your future plans. It is very unlikely that you will have problems with breastfeeding after breast augmentation. However, the risk is always higher in reduction and erection. In such cases, the best thing to do is to sit down and discuss your current discomfort and possible risks with your surgeon, and take the most appropriate decision.