In liposuction application, different techniques are preferred according to the condition of the patients. Applications other than suction assisted liposuction are more modern and technological. Depending on the experience and preference of the surgeon, the methods to be used during the application may change.
Liposuction Application
- Anasayfa
- Liposuction Application
Liposuction application is preferred in all areas where permanent fat accumulates, such as the abdomen, waist, hips, legs and surroundings. After liposuction, which is applied even to the arms, neck, jowl and ankles, the excess fat of the patients is taken out and a tighter appearance is obtained. Patients with disproportionate body request liposuction and have a more proportional appearance. Liposuction, which is used to remove regional fat from the body, is ideal for patients with high skin elasticity.

Best candidate for Liposuction Surgery
The characteristics of candidates who are ideal for liposuction are listed below:
- Patients who genetically have regional fat
- People with regional fat that does not go away even after sports and diet
- Patients with sufficient skin elasticity in areas with regional fat
- Patients whose skin is not sagging or deformed
Each of our patients who comply with the specified criteria can request liposuction and get rid of the disproportionate appearance created by regional fats.
During the first interview for liposuction, all health history information of the patients is taken by the specialist doctor. After obtaining information about the patient’s stress status, general health information, nutritional habits, drug use history or operation history, a body examination will be performed for liposuction. By examining the areas where application is requested, it is concluded whether the area is suitable for liposuction. The anatomy of the patient will be extracted by examining the muscle-fat balance in the region. After the tests and examinations, a detailed plan for liposuction is prepared and the application process begins.
Surgical Information
General anesthesia is preferred for patients to be more comfortable and stress-free. In order to remove excess fat in the body at the ideal rate, patients should be put to sleep with general anesthesia. In two-stage liposuction, vasoconstrictive fluid is injected into the area in order to reduce the bruises in the area and facilitate the breakdown of fat. This liquid, which shrinks blood vessels, will prevent bleeding during application. An incision is made in the area for the liposuction cannula. After the cannulas enter the area, the fat tissues are broken down by applying force and the fat in the area is removed within an average of 30 minutes.
Recovery and Post-Surgery
After liposuction, a corset is used for 2 weeks in order to control the blood circulation in the area and to minimize bruises. With the regular use of the corset by our patients, the risks of bruising, edema and deformity in the region are eliminated. During the first 24 hours after the operation, ice compresses are applied to the application area. In order to keep edema and swelling at a minimum level, ice compress application should be continued every 10 minutes. During the first 6 weeks, patients should continue to use the compression garment and corset. Compressed garments used to shape the area affect the success of the surgery. In order to prevent regional blood clots, patients need to walk every day. 2 weeks after the operation, patients can return to their social life and within 6 weeks, they can continue to exercise.
Final Results
Liposuction application offers permanent and definite solutions. It provides an effective solution for the removal of regional fats and a proportional appearance of the body. Depending on genetic factors, dietary habits or lifestyle, the permanent fats that occur in the body are definitely removed by liposuction. After the fat is removed from the body, the body proportion will become visible.
The techniques used for liposuction are listed below:
- Tumescent liposuction
- Power assisted liposuction / PAL
- Suction assisted liposuction / SAL
- Ultrasound assisted liposuction / UAL
- Laser assisted liposuction / LAL